Member Dashboard  


(Click image to enlarge)


The Member Dashboard is broken down into five sections. Where feasible, the buttons in this LinkSpokes package match those sections. So, if you ever find yourself not knowing how to do something, returning to this package might shed some helpful light.

Once you proceed into the functions from the Dashboard, you can always return to the full Dashboard by clicking on the Member Dashboard link in the dark blue navigation at the top of the page where you name is displayed.

Additionally, clicking on a displayed image will frequently enlarge the image so you are better able to see more detail.

Finally, you will see light blue buttons with question marks on them throughout the Member Dashboard. Clicking on the button will take you to a tutorial or overview video. However, we are still in the process of creating and adding them.

Note: Since you arrived at this page by clicking on a purple button, clicking on the bread crumb in the upper right will return you to the previous folder.